Could Uber's self-driving dream be stalling: A report reveals that the vehicle technology may no

It has been revealed that Uber's self-driving technology may not be very reliable.
Mashable reported that Uber are playing catch-up with competitors such as Waymo.
According to comments attributed to employees within Uber's Advanced Technology Group (ATG), the project has been described as something akin to nothing more than a science experiment.
One of the concerns highlighted by those working within the ATG was the fact that the vehicles only seem to function with any semblance of reliability on well-mapped areas, with very little progress in expanding on those areas.
The report has acknowledged the fact that Uber have moved forward at a slower and more cautious rate-of-knots due to the fatality last year in Tempe, Arizona, and only resumed work on their autonomus vehicles last December.
It is believed that Dara Khosrowshahi's slightly hands-off approach has been a source of frustration for those working on the project.
Despite those frustrations, it is unlikelty that those attached to the project will complain, given the six figure salaries being paid to some of those employees, as well as the potential for those salaries increasing, subject to Uber's imminent IPO launch.
Ultimately, the eventual rolling-out of self-driving vehicles, could help turn Uber into a profitable company, given the fact that the human equation will be taken out of their operation.
With Uber themselves admitting that the techbology is inherently risky and may bever come to fruition, it would still be a retrograde move for them to shelve the project altogether.
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Image Author: Diablanco