Could solid-state batteries help the taxi industry and other motorists in the switch from fossil fue
At the moment electric cars are a hideously expensive commodity tp purchase in comparison to their petrol or diesel counterpart.
For example, a diesel taxi cost somewhere in the region of £43,000 to purchase (excluding finance costs), whereas the new, zero emission capable taxi costs in the region of £62,000 (excluding scrappage and finance costs). Quite frankly, electric vehicles are expensive, however they are significantly cheaper to run. The low running cost does come at a price in relation to the lack of vehicle range (on fully electric vehicles) as well as charging infrastructure and time taken to charge any given electric vehicle.
People are looking for a major game-changer in the world of electric vehicles.
Enter the Solid-state battery.
Solid-state batteries could replace lithium-ion batteries. They’re simpler they could be a lot cheaper, as well as lighter, and they won’t need liquid cooling. They should also last a lot longer and be fireproof.
Another bonus to the solid-state battery is that they may charge-up a lot quicker too.
Interestingly Dyson, better known for its vacuum cleaners rather than its motor technology has staked its new car on the technology. Toyota has also looked at how it can incorporate solid-state technology in its vehicles., and Caterpillar, the heavy plant manufacture has recently invested in Fisker, who are a major player in solid-state technology.
According to Top Gear the motoring industry won’t adopt solid-state technology all at once.
Because many companies have recently invested a huge amount of money in plants to make today’s cells and batteries, they won’t close down production.
With the exception of Tesla, lithium-ion battery plants are mostly in Asia, however if Europe leads with solid-state battery technology and starts making it here, that’s a strategic win for the continent.
In the interim, one of the ways forward could be inductive charge-pads under the road surface, negating the need for charge-points. This technology has already beem tested by Renault and Qualcomm.
Image Source: Geograph
Image Author: Walter Baxter