Weekly London taxi protest over road access restrictions continue to bring Westminster to a standsti

London cabbies today continued their weekly protest at Parliament Square, calling for the authorities to listen to industry concerns over road access in the capital. On average a couple of hundred taxi drivers have clogged the square at least once a week since early Spring.
Whilst only a small proportion of the taxi industry are choosing to take part in the protests, the Westminster area grinds to a standstill on a weekly basis.
The drivers that do attend, hope to stop any future plans to ban taxis from driving on key parts of the capital’s road network. The message from the protesters is very much ‘where buses go, taxis go’. So far both Transport for London and local authority officials have failed to acknowledge the demands of the organisers. The London Cab Drivers Club said via Twitter: “Great turnout today. If you are not attending ask yourself why as a taxi driver you don’t object to TFL excluding YOU from the roads? Someone convince me we are wrong.” The action will continue as normal next Wednesday.
Image: LCDC (Twitter)