Bid to use tuk tuks as taxis sparks police concerns
Could Dumfries and Galloway Council's decision pave the way for the rest of the UK?

An enquiry to Dumfries and Galloway Council as to whether they would consider licensing a tuk tuk as a taxi has sparked police concerns.
The three-wheeled vehicle has the primary construction of a motor-cycle and is built on an open frame which commands a top speed of 40mph.
However, police have said that they have some serious safety concerns which include the vehicle’s stability due to its three-wheeled design which could make it prone to tipping, its short and narrow wheel base and the protection afforded to the passengers and driver should the vehicle be involved in a road traffic collision.
The police spokesman went on to say that the vehicle itself would have no airbags and no side impact protection system and would present a significant risk of injury or worse to any occupants.
Further concerns were raised about the potential for drunk passengers or children falling from a vehicle with no doors.
Transport manager Gordon Bryce said: "In my opinion this type of vehicle is not suited on our local roads as a Taxi or private hire vehicle."
Tuk tuks are popular in countries with tropical climates, with the biggest manufacturer based in India, however with a request now received by the council the way could be paved for their use in the cooler climes of south-west Scotland.
Image Source: D and G Council