Near perfect pass rate for taxis during three months of council inspections to keep standards high

Ninety nine percent of Kirkcaldy’s taxis and private hire car vehicles annually inspected to make sure they’re up to standard have passed first time.
The inspections, which took place in June, July and August this year, involved Fife Council’s Fleet Operations inspecting each vehicle for its annual test.
Convener of Fife Council’s Regulation and Licensing Committee, Councillor Carol Lindsay, said:
“This is a fantastic achievement! It’s clear from these results that the taxi and private hire companies in Kirkcaldy take the publics’ safety seriously by ensuring that their vehicles are maintained to a very high standard.
"Well done to everyone involved.” Of the 134 vehicles tested, 133 passed first time. The other passed on re-test. This is an increase on last year’s pass rate which saw 97% of vehicles pass first time.