3 men who used London minicabs to arrive at & flee murder scene found guilty of killing 22-year-old
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3 men who used London minicabs to arrive at & flee murder scene found guilty of killing 22-year-old

Image credit : Metropolitan Police

Three males have been found guilty of the murder of 22-year-old Anthony Adekola, who was fatally stabbed in September 2020. This follows an eight-week trial at the Old Bailey.

Ta-jaun Subaran, 19, of Hendon, and two 17-year-old males were all found guilty of murder.

On 5 September 2020, at approximately 21:14hrs, Anthony was fatally stabbed to death on Martlesham Walk as he walked home from work. The court heard that Anthony left work and walked towards Booth Road from Montrose Park, heading towards Martlesham Walk.

As he did so, CCTV footage on Booth Road shows two vehicles, travelling in convoy, stop and park close to Martlesham Walk. These were both minicabs hired from a private company. A group of men exited the vehicles and waited on Booth Road for a matter of seconds before Anthony crossed the road towards them. CCTV footage showed Anthony standing on the pavement, speaking to them for a few seconds before suddenly running away. Anthony tried to make it home but tripped over a concrete bollard on the way into the alley, where he was caught by the suspects.

Image : Anthony Adekola

Anthony was stabbed repeatedly by the group that chased him and was fatally wounded. The group of suspects quickly exited Martlesham Walk and made their way back to the waiting vehicles. Both then drove away in convoy towards Colindale Avenue. Anthony was left in the alleyway with fatal injuries and it is likely that he stopped breathing within minutes given the vast number of injuries he sustained. At around 23:00hrs, Anthony's body was found in the alleyway by his brother and his friends.

Police were called to the scene and London Ambulance Service arrived to attempt to provide medical assistance. Anthony’s life was pronounced extinct at 23:45hrs. The post mortem examination gave the cause of death as haemorrhage and a stab wound to the neck. There were nine injuries to Anthony's body, the most serious being this wound to the neck. It was also clear that more than one knife was used, of varying lengths and blades. The vehicles at the scene of the murder were identified following a thorough investigation by homicide detectives from Specialist Crime North. Officers used forensic evidence to tie the suspects to the scene. There was a fingerprint found inside the minicab - using specialist techniques, officers got a hit on a match to one of the 17 year old suspects.. The suspect was also linked to a facemask that was found inside the police cordon. DNA was found inside the mask which matched that of the suspect and placed him at the scene. Further evidence acquired showed Subaran and the other 17 year old, either called cab companies, or tried to do so, and these calls were shortly before the group left in the minicabs to travel to the murder location. On 12 September 2020, one of the 17 year olds and Subaran were arrested on suspicion of murder at their respective home addresses.

Image: Ta-jaun Subaran

On 6 October 2020, the third suspect was arrested on suspicion of murder. He had been stopped in the street outside his home address and was found in possession of a lock knife. The three men were charged with Anthony's murder and remanded in custody to stand trial. They will appear for sentencing at the same court on Friday, 5 November.

Detective Chief Superintendent Neil John said: "This group drove to Colindale together to commit this violent crime. Their actions resulted in the tragic death of a young man who had his whole life ahead of him. Attacks like this are senseless and horrifying and there is no doubt in my mind that the streets are a safer place now these three have been convicted. "The evidence showed that the group travelled to the scene of the crime together and attempted to hide their movements by putting their phones out of use. The calculated nature of this attack only heightens the brutality and violence of their actions. "Anthony was an innocent male, who was targeted in an extremely violent and horrific manner. This was a vicious and sustained attack on a defenceless man, with considerable force used and multiple weapons. The nature of the injuries showed there was an intention to kill, and the fatal blow was not one Anthony could have survived. "My deepest sympathies and thoughts remain with his family - I can't imagine the sadness and grief that has been caused. I can only hope that the result begins to bring some closure and justice, so that you can start to look forwards, cherishing the memory of Anthony." In a statement Anthony's mother, on behalf of his family, said: "It has been almost 12 agonising months since the senseless and unprovoked killing of my son Anthony Adekola. I am relieved that justice has finally been served and some of the culprits have now been found guilty of his heinous murder. "Not in a million years did I think I will have anything, whatsoever, to do with the court system, however here I am! This ordeal has been extremely challenging to say the least. Waking up and coming into court day after day, listening to extremely unpleasant information has really pushed me to my breaking point and has taken a toll on my mental health. Anthony’s murder has left a gaping hole in our family that can, and will never be filled. "I hope that one day, these people will take accountability for their actions and realise the damage they have caused in our lives. "I would like to thank the Crown Prosecution Service and the Metropolitan Police for all their hard work and support through this whole process. I would also like to thank my family, friends and work colleagues who have supported me through this difficult time."

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