81 Penalty Charge Notices issued to vehicles parked on taxi ranks in Nottingham during August

A total of 81 Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) were issued to drivers who parked on hackney carriage taxi ranks in Nottingham during the month of August.
9 taxi ranks in total saw drivers park their vehicles illegally, with one location seeing 25 tickets being issued.
The taxi rank on Long Row West received the highest amount of tickets (25), with the rank on Peachey Street seeing 18 PCNs issued.
Other ranks listed included Lower Parliament Street (14), Wheeler Gate (9), Fletcher Gate (6), Milton Street (4), South Sherwood Street (3) and North Circus Street and Friar Lane both receiving 1.
It is against the law for motorists to park a vehicle in a licensed hackney carriage taxi rank. Only licensed cabbies are permitted to use such allocated bays and in most cases are required to stay with their taxis and not leave them unattended.
When vehicles are left unattended on taxi ranks by motorists or even cab drivers when they shouldn't, it prevents working taxi drivers from accessing the bays to make themselves available for hire by the travelling public.