‘EXTRA RATE’ RIP OFF: Liverpool black cab driver reported for overcharging elderly passengers
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‘EXTRA RATE’ RIP OFF: Liverpool black cab driver reported for overcharging elderly passengers

Image credit: LCC LICENSING

A black cab driver from Liverpool has been reported for overcharging after allegedly ripping off elderly passengers by using the ‘extras’ tariff rate to charge customers.

Licensing enforcement officers identified the taxi driver during checks on Monday 20 June.

Elderly visitors travelling from Liverpool city centre to Anfield for an Eagles concert were targeted by the driver.

According to officers at the scene the cab driver bumped up the metered fare by incorrectly using extras on the meter.

The unaware passengers were spoken to and the driver had been reported.

Officers shared an image of the meter displaying an ‘E’, but blocked out the value of the fare displayed.

A Liverpool City Council Licensing spokesperson said: “The Extra rate on the taximeter should not be used for journeys from the city centre to Anfield.

“This driver is now being reported for overcharging a group of elderly visitors to the city going to the Eagles concert at Anfield Stadium.”

They added: “It was a Licensing Enforcement Officers who identified the offence, spoke to the customers and took the photograph of the meter. The driver will be reported!”

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