App Drivers and Couriers Union sparks Bolt driver strike over failure to respect worker rights

UK Bolt app rideshare drivers are today going out on strike over Bolt's failure to respect their worker rights in the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling in favour of Uber drivers.
According to the App Drivers and Couriers Union (ADCU), Bolt drivers believe the working conditions are identical to Uber and so they are entitled to the same worker rights protections, including the right to the minimum wage and holiday pay.
In March, ride-hailing firm Uber introduced new workers’ rights to over 70,000 private hire drivers following a landmark legal battle ending at the Supreme Court.
Ten’s of thousands of Uber drivers are now treated as workers. They now earn at least the National Living Wage, are paid for holiday time and are also automatically enrolled into a pension plan if they are eligible.
The ADCU are urging its members and drivers on the Bolt platform to boycott the app for 24 hours. Members will also protest outside Bolt’s west London offices between 11am-1pm.
Abdurzak Hadi, Chair of ADCU London, said: "Bolt can no longer just bury its head in the sand and pretend that their drivers and our members are not entitled to the same rights as Uber drivers.
“This strike and protest is Bolt's last chance to do the right thing, obey the law and respect their drivers. If they do not meet our demands then we will not hesitate to immediately launch legal action.
“For today, we ask all drivers and passengers to observe the digital picket line by not opening the app during the twenty four hour period."
Bolt have defended their position by stating that their model is different to rival apps and does not apply to the Uber Supreme Court ruling. A Bolt spokesperson told TaxiPoint: "Bolt wasn’t operating in London in 2016 (the time frame for the Supreme Court ruling) and our model is different. "We maintain regular dialogue with drivers regarding many topics, through surveys, newsletters, social platforms and in-person forums. They tell us they like Bolt because it charges less commission - as low as 10% for drivers with electric vehicles - resulting in higher average earnings when on a trip. "The majority of private hire drivers who enter the industry do so for the flexible hours and freedom to choose when to drive so we don’t penalise drivers for declining trips or for accepting trips from other companies. "We believe it’s likely that drivers will continue to be offered more choice, benefits and freedoms across operators. We will continue to proactively seek feedback - positive and negative - from all relevant parties in this regard, and carry on working with other businesses and the Government on this topic."