Bury licensed private hire driver fined £1,782 after illegal tyres found during Liverpool inspection

A private hire vehicle (PHV) driver from Bury has been handed significant penalties after Liverpool City Council Licensing officers discovered illegal tyres during an inspection.
The incident highlights the importance of vehicle safety and compliance, particularly for those operating within the private hire sector.
The vehicle in question was stopped last year by licensing officers while operating in Liverpool. During a routine check, it was revealed that two of the tyres on the vehicle were illegal.
Tyres must adhere to strict legal standards regarding tread depth and condition to ensure road safety. Failure to meet these standards can pose serious risks to passengers, other road users, and the driver.
The matter was subsequently referred to Liverpool Magistrates' Court, where it was heard last week. The driver was handed fines and costs totalling £1,782, alongside receiving three penalty points on their driving licence.
A Liverpool City Council Licensing spokesperson stated: “A Bury PHV inspected by Licensing Officers while operating in Liverpool last year was discovered to have two illegal tyres. The matter was heard in Liverpool Magistrates Court last week. The driver incurred fines/costs of £1,782 and 3 penalty points. Please check your tyres!”