Clubbers urged to pre-plan taxis home to avoid incidents of disorder while waiting for cabs
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Clubbers urged to pre-plan taxis home to avoid incidents of disorder while waiting for cabs

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

Image credit : Nissan Dynamo

Clubbers in Norwich are being urged to pre-plan their journeys home due to high demand for taxi services at the end of the night.

It follows a few incidents of disorder where people have been gathered waiting for taxis. Inspector Ian Cox is from the force’s Community Safety team, which is responsible for organising the weekends' public order patrols.

He said gatherings of people waiting for taxis had caused some problems in the last few weeks and urged people to plan their journeys to avoid waiting around unnecessarily.

He said: “Nightlife in the city has been busy since nightclubs were able to reopen in July following months of lockdown restrictions.

“By and large, most people have enjoyed their nights out with no problem, but we’ve had to intervene in a number of situations resulting in arrests.

“More recently, disorder has been focused on the areas where people have been stood around after their night out, waiting for taxis and we understand some companies are running a reduced service.

“The best way to avoid this is by planning your journey home, either by pre-booking a taxi or arranging a lift with a friend or relative. This way, you avoid getting caught up in situations where, after a few drinks, could end unintentionally.”

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