Council issues reminder to residents asking for mutual respect between taxi drivers and passengers

East Staffordshire Borough Council have reminded residents that anti-social behaviour towards taxi and private hire drivers is unacceptable and any abuse is to be reported to the police, after an unacceptable attack last month on a Burton based taxi driver.
The council has warned passengers to treat both the driver and their vehicle with respect and to comply with any official notices regarding eating and drinking in the vehicle. Members of the public have also been reminded that they must also understand that drivers are likely to be restricted by traffic regulations in relation to where they can stop the vehicle.
East Staffordshire Borough Council also stated it was vital for passengers to ensure they had the means to pay the fare before traveling. If wishing to pay by credit card or debit card, or to stop along the way to use a cash machine, check with the driver before setting off.
Likewise, there are expectations for drivers to meet also. For example, private hire
drivers must ensure the passenger has pre-booked and is aware of the estimated cost before setting off.
If using a meter, taxi drivers are reminded not to start the meter until the passenger is seated in the vehicle. Drivers must also only use the meter within the licensed area, unless the passenger has agreed to hire by time. If travelling outside the licensed area, passengers must agree the fare in advance. If no fare has been negotiated in advance for a journey going beyond the licensing area then the driver must adhere to the meter.
Drivers must also take the most time-efficient route, bearing in mind likely traffic problems, explaining any diversion from the most direct route. Most importantly, whether taxi or private hire, drivers must drive with due care and courtesy towards the passenger and other road users.
Councillor Bernard Peters, Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing Standards, said: “In order for both drivers and passengers to feel safe there needs to be a mutual respect between the two.”