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Council warns drivers to check tyres after Liverpool PHV suspended for two illegal tyres

Perry Richardson

Image credit: Liverpool City Council Licensing

In a recent enforcement operation by Liverpool City Council (LCC), a licensed private hire vehicle (PHV) was found operating with two tyres falling short of legal standards.

The discovery led to the immediate suspension of the vehicle's licence, with the driver facing reports for the tyre offences. This incident serves as a stark reminder to all licensed vehicle operators in the UK to conduct regular checks on their vehicles to ensure compliance with safety standards.

Tyre safety is paramount for all vehicles, especially those licensed to carry passengers. In the UK, the law stipulates that all car tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the tyre, around its entire circumference. Driving with tyres that do not meet this requirement not only poses a significant safety risk but also attracts penalties, including fines of up to £2,500 and three penalty points per illegal tyre.

One practical method for drivers to check their tyre tread depth is the 20p test. This simple yet effective procedure involves inserting a 20p coin into the grooves of the tyre. If the outer band of the coin is visible when inserted, the tyre may not meet the minimum legal tread depth and should be inspected by a professional. This test offers a quick and easy way for drivers to ensure their tyres are safe and legal, reducing the risk of accidents and compliance issues.

A Liverpool City Council (LCC) Licensing spokesperson said: “Licensing Enforcement Officers discovered an LCC PHV this evening operating with two illegal tyres.

“The vehicle licence was suspended, and the driver is to be reported for the offences. Please remember to carry out regular checks on your licenced vehicle.”

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