Crowd-funding launched for hero cabbie who locked bomb suspect in car moments before explosion
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Crowd-funding launched for hero cabbie who locked bomb suspect in car moments before explosion

Image credit: Facebook crowd funding

A crowdfunding campaign has been launched for a Liverpool cabbie who is being hailed a hero after it is believed he locked an alleged bomber in his vehicle moments before a deadly explosion.

Reports coming out of Liverpool confirm that one person had died and another injured, believed to be the cab driver, after a vehicle exploded outside Liverpool Women's Hospital on Sunday 14 November.

A number of social media posts, by people claiming to know the cab driver, say he risked his life to save others by containing his passenger once realising he had some form of explosives.

A crowdfunding page has now been launched to raise money for the hero cabbie, who, according to the Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, has now been released from hospital.

A spokesperson for Merseyside Police, said: "Officers from Counter Terrorism North West are leading the investigation supported by Merseyside Police and they will be liaising with our partners at Mersey Fire and Rescue and the Liverpool Women’s Hospital to establish what has taken place.

“Three males have today been arrested in the Kensington area under the Terrorism Act and remain in custody and enquiries remain ongoing."

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