Electric taxi age limits could be COMPLETELY DROPPED in bid to help Worcester cabbies go green

Age limits for electric taxis in Worcester could be COMPLETELY DROPPED as cabbies and passengers are asked for their views on plans to change licensing rules to reduce carbon emissions across the city.
Worcester City Council are working with local taxi operators with the aim of making it more cost-effective for them to switch to electric vehicles in the coming years.
The move ties in with the Council's ten-year Environmental Sustainability Strategy and its ambitions to make Worcester carbon neutral.
Earlier this month, the Council's Licensing and Environmental Health Committee considered a proposal to review the hackney carriage and private hire vehicle age policy to offer more incentive for drivers to switch to electric vehicles.
The committee report included a proposal from the Worcester Taxi Association, asking that the lower age limit for vehicles being licensed for taxi/private hire, be raised as it believes that this will help vehicle owners and drivers prepare financially for the transition to electric and ultra-low emission vehicles in the future.
The consultation concerns two proposed amendments to the Council's hackney carriage (taxis) and private hire vehicle licensing policy – the first removing all age limits for any fully electric vehicle to be used as a taxi or private hire car, and the second to increase the lower age for new taxis to five years old, rather than the current three years.
Worcester City Council's Director of Operations, Homes and Communities, Lloyd Griffiths, said: "We would urge as many people as possible to have their say on these important proposals. Worcester City Council is keen to see the city's taxi and private hire vehicles switch to electric and ultra-low emission cars as soon as possible as part of our pledge to reduce carbon emissions across the city."
The consultation will be open for responses until 22 May 2023.