ENFORCEMENT: Majority of Liverpool licensed taxis and PHVs ‘showed a high level of compliance’
Updated: Nov 13, 2022
Liverpool City Council joined local police officers to inspect taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (PHV) as part of their ongoing enforcement checks.
Licensing Enforcement Officers hit the streets of Liverpool with Merseyside Police on Friday. Vehicle checks uncovered ‘a number of offences’.
In images shared on social media, two heavily worn tyres were shown. One belonged to a Sefton licensed PHV and the other was found on a Liverpool licensed taxi.
Licensing officers were however happy overall with the compliance shown by the local authority’s taxi and PHV drivers.
An LCC spokesperson said: “Licensing Enforcement Officers with colleagues from Merseyside Police have been carrying out roadside inspections today. A number of offences disclosed and will be reported.
“However, the majority of licenced vehicles checked showed a high level of compliance.”