Forty taxi drivers receive ‘Medal of Trust’ after returning items worth nearly £1million in Dubai
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Forty taxi drivers receive ‘Medal of Trust’ after returning items worth nearly £1million in Dubai

Image credit: RTA

To reward the honesty and attitude of taxi drivers returning items left by taxi riders, Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) have honoured 40 taxi drivers with the Medal of Trust.

The drivers returned items left behind by taxi riders amounting to nearly £1million (AED4,705,703) during the first half of this year alone.

The Passenger Transport Activities Monitoring Department of RTA’s Public Transport Agency commended the honesty of drivers and their good handling of lost money and personal belongings of taxi riders.

The awards are seen as a celebration of the commitment to work ethics and honesty as well as the compliance with instructions and guidance in place.

According the RTA those receiving the awards expressed their pride in receiving the Medal of Trust presented to them in the event hosted by Passenger Transport Activities Monitoring Department. They voiced their commitment to achieving customers’ satisfaction and happiness by handing back lost items, be it money or personal belongings, to the competent authorities. They stated that such recognition would motivate and prompt them to adhere to the values of honesty and seek to provide a better service to taxi users.

The Passenger Transport Activities Monitoring Department confirmed that returning items left behind by riders reflected the desire of RTA drivers to assist taxi passengers by complying with the official guidelines required in this context.

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