Glasgow taxi Knowledge review branded as ‘ridiculous’ by trade reps
Glasgow taxi representatives have branded a new consultation reviewing the Glasgow ‘Knowledge’ topographical test as ‘ridiculous’.
In Glasgow, any individual who applies to become a Hackney Carriage taxi driver in the city must first sit and pass a Topographical Test of Knowledge. The test has been a requirement for a taxi driver’s licence for many years and is not a requirement for a Private Hire Car (PHC) driver’s licence.
The topographical test ensures that all taxi drivers picking up street hails and from taxi ranks have the knowledge to immediately navigate around the city. The driver's Knowledge would include the layout of city centre roads and the location of landmarks.
Unite Glasgow Cab Section are keen to keep the Knowledge test in place despite the low number of drivers currently operating in the city.
On 1 March 2023 the Licensing and Regulatory Committee agreed for the Director of Legal and Administration to carry out a review of the requirement for all applicants who wish to apply for a Taxi Driver’s Licence to sit and pass a Topographical Test, by way of a consultation. The findings of the review will be reported back to the Committee.