Hammersmith & Fulham Council grant Uber drivers exemption in Clean Air Zone
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Hammersmith & Fulham Council grant Uber drivers exemption in Clean Air Zone

Uber drivers will now be exempt from fines when dropping off passengers in the clean air zone established by Hammersmith and Fulham Council, confirmed the council.

The initiative primarily targets the South Fulham Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN), which was set up to discourage non-residential traffic and out-of-borough drivers from using local streets as shortcuts.

This exemption comes in response to concerns raised by Uber passengers about having to walk home alone at night due to drivers' reluctance to enter the LTN, fearing penalty charges.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, also recently confirmed that Uber and other private hire vehicle (PHV) drivers are permitted to drop off passengers within these low traffic neighbourhoods. The issue had been a point of contention for over three years, with Hammersmith & Fulham Council seeking a resolution with Uber. The issue was said to centre around data protection concerns related to sharing drivers' number plates.

Residents have had the option to use the RingGo app, allowing them to authorise their drivers to enter the zone without penalty. However, the council highlighted that a more straightforward solution was needed from Uber.

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