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Insulate Britain vows to turn M25 into a ‘site of non-violent civil resistance’ from Wednesday

Perry Richardson

Image credit: Insulate Britain

Insulate Britain has declared the M25 will from tomorrow become a site of ‘nonviolent civil resistance’ and called for motorway traffic to be slowed down to 20mph.

The calls come after a nationwide injunction was granted against the controversial protest group on Monday, which now covers the "entire strategic road network".

Insulate Britain has campaigned for the Government to insulate all UK homes by 2030. On Wednesday they are asking the public to support their campaign by not using the M25 or reduce their speeds to 20 mph to ‘minimise the risk of accidents’.

The group have also called on the Highway agency to act on its ‘responsibilities to keep the public safe’ by enforcing the 20mph speed limit.

The group also asks the police to refuse arrest of protesters on the day. The group claim to be ‘upholding the British constitution’ and that the police ‘have a duty to refuse to obey any government that fails to uphold its first and most important responsibility: the protection of people in Britain’.

In a statement made by Insulate Britain it reads further: “You can’t imprison a flood, there are no unlimited fines against a famine, you can’t bankrupt a fire. You can imprison the ordinary people of Britain, yet the lives of our children and those of all future generations hang in the balance. By refusing to insulate Britain's homes, our government is also condemning thousands to death through fuel poverty this winter, while countless families will once again be cold and hungry.

“We are not concerned with endless injunctions. We are not concerned with our fears. We are concerned with fulfilling our duties and responsibilities at this 'period of consequence'.

“Starting from 7:00 on the morning of Wednesday 27th October the M25 will become a place of nonviolent civil resistance to stop our government committing crimes against humanity. This government, our government, is actively pursuing policies that will lead to the destruction of our country due to climate catastrophe. In a free society, citizens have the right and a duty to rebel against plans which will knowingly result in the deaths of millions.

“Insulate Britain acknowledges the inconvenience and irritation we are causing to the public in our campaign, we ask that you understand that the days of disruption are necessary to force a government to fulfill its most basic of duties to protect and defend its people. Insulate Britain considers the UK Government to be in treasonous betrayal of this country.”

The latest planned protests come despite the National Highways securing a new nationwide interim injunction to target protestors who cause disruption on any part of the strategic road network in England.

The High Court granted the interim injunction on Monday following an application from National Highways.

The new injunction bans activities that obstruct traffic and prevent access to 4,300 miles of motorways and major A roads. It also bans activities which cause damage to the road surface and infrastructure and prohibits activists from gluing themselves to the road or abandoning their vehicles.

Anyone who breaches this injunction faces imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. Activists found in contempt of court may also be forced to repay the costs of their case.

The latest interim injunction was granted in addition to 3 earlier injunctions including one covering the M25.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: “We are making use of every avenue of existing law to try to prevent the continued life-endangering action being carried out by Insulate Britain, which is causing intolerable disruption to motorists’ lives and livelihoods. This new interim injunction will ban activities that obstruct motorways and major A roads across the entire country.

“On top of the immediate measures we’re taking, the long term solution lies in the changes to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill which were set out by the Home Secretary, giving additional powers against disruptive protests which target critical national infrastructure. This includes unlimited fines and prison sentences of up to 6 months for obstructing highways.”

More than 100 activists have already been served with court papers in relation to these injunctions and may face imprisonment and/or a fine for contempt of court if they are found to be in breach of the orders going forward.

On Friday, National Highways made 9 applications to the High Court against protestors who had breached an existing injunction by blocking the M25. Now an application for contempt of court has been made, the court will decide whether the protesters breached the injunction order.

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