JULY LONDON TUBE STRIKES: Taxi demand set to increase during week of action across tube network
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JULY LONDON TUBE STRIKES: Taxi demand set to increase during week of action across tube network

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

In a battle over pensions, job cuts, and working conditions, the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) union has announced a week of action on the London Underground.

From 23 July, different grades and sections of the tube network will engage in strike action until 28 July.

Demand for taxi drivers and other forms of road transport mobility is expected to peak at the times proposed for strike action.

The RMT has been engaged in a lengthy dispute with Transport for London (TfL) on issues concerning job cuts, attacks on pensions, and working conditions. The union claims that TfL's proposed changes, if implemented, could have dire consequences for London Underground staff, resulting in a poorer retirement outlook.

The plans by TfL entail axing around 600 jobs, significantly impacting all aspects of the tube network, including stations and maintenance. The fear is that these cuts will lead to an increase in unstaffed stations and a potential decline in safety standards.

Additionally, RMT has voiced concerns about the planned attacks on tube drivers' working agreements and jobs, which further exacerbate the already contentious situation.

The week of action is intended to bring attention and put pressure on TfL to address the grievances brought forth by the RMT. With a range of grades and sections of the tube participating in the strikes, the impact on transport services across the capital is likely to be considerable.

RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said: "This week of action will shut down the London Underground and show just how important the work of our members is.

"Plans by TfL to cut 600 jobs and attack our members pensions are simply unacceptable.

"We are aware that Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has had the TfL budget cut.

"However, he needs to align himself with our union and his London Underground staff in pushing back against the Tory government, exposing their damaging agenda to a key part of London transport infrastructure."

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