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KHAN: Lack of Certificate of Good Conduct does not stop taxi or PHV applicants being considered

In a recent exchange at the London Assembly, Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon asked the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, what his plans were in regards to Transport for London's (TfL) proposal to require a Certificate of Good Conduct (CoGC) for all taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) drivers applying for a licence.

TfL's recent public consultation on improving safety for taxi and PHV passengers includes a proposal which will require all drivers renewing or applying for a taxi or PHV licence to obtain a CoGC from any country they have visited for three months or more since the age of 18.

This is seen as a significant change from the current requirement which only asks drivers to obtain a CoGC from a country they have lived in for three months or more, in the three years before an application or renewal.

Pidgeon raised concerns about the potential difficulties that could arise for drivers who are unable to obtain such certificates in certain jurisdictions.

Mayor Khan responded by reassuring Assembly Member Pidgeon that TfL's current policy mandates that applicants who cannot obtain a CoGC must explain why and provide references from individuals or organisations in their country of origin who can attest to their good conduct. He also made it clear that the absence of a CoGC does not necessarily mean that an applicant's request will be rejected.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said in a full written statement: “Transport for London’s (TfL’s) current policy in respect of applicants for a taxi or PHV driver’s licence who are unable to obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct (CoGC) is that they must explain why. They would then be required to provide references from individuals/bodies who can confirm their conduct for their time in the country. The absence of a CoGC does not prevent an application from being considered

“Also, any applicant who has been granted or is awaiting a decision to be granted asylum/refugee status is not required to produce a CoGC from the country they are claiming asylum from.”


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