Liverpool black taxi taken off the road for damaged wheelchair ramp and corrosion
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Liverpool black taxi taken off the road for damaged wheelchair ramp and corrosion

Image credit: Liverpool City Council Licensing

A Liverpool licensed black cab has been taken off the road after a routine vehicle inspection uncovered a faulty wheelchair ramp and signs of corrosion.

The incident, which led to the immediate suspension of the vehicle, occurred on Berry Street where the driver was found parked obstructing the pavement.

A spokesperson for the Liverpool City Council Licensing unit reported that upon inspection of the vehicle, officers discovered the ramp, crucial for wheelchair access, was damaged and deemed unfit for use. Further examination also revealed signs of corrosion on the cab.

The vehicle was suspended from service as a direct consequence of these findings.

The incident highlights the importance of regular vehicle checks and the council's rigorous approach to ensuring the reliability and safety of licensed taxis operating within the city.

A Liverpool City Council Licensing spokesperson said: “Officers dealt with driver parked and obstructing pavement on Berry Street, following inspection of vehicle the ramp was found to be damaged and unfit for use and signs of corrosion.

“Vehicle suspended as a result!”

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