LIVERPOOL TAXI AND PHV CHECKS: Dodgy tyres, misplaced ID badges and ill fitted plates
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LIVERPOOL TAXI AND PHV CHECKS: Dodgy tyres, misplaced ID badges and ill fitted plates

Image credit: LCC Licensing (Twitter)

Taxi and minicab licensing checks in Liverpool unearthed several offences including illegal tyres and misplaced ID badges.

Liverpool City Council worked with Merseyside Police officers on Saturday night to complete roadside checks on licensed taxis and private hire vehicles.

Officers conducting the checks posted up images of THREE poorly worn tyres on social media.

Drivers were also reported for not having ID badges and licence plates fitted incorrectly onto their vehicles.

A Liverpool City Council Licensing team spokesperson said via social media: “Licensing Officers have been carrying out roadside checks of licenced vehicles this evening alongside colleagues from Merseyside Police.

“A number of drivers will be reported for offences including, illegal tyres, not having ID badges and licence plates not affixed properly.”

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