London taxi trade should get the ‘credit it deserves’ for rapid change to electric black cabs
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London taxi trade should get the ‘credit it deserves’ for rapid change to electric black cabs

It is ‘high time the trade gets the credit it deserves’ when it comes to their rapid move to greener electric vehicles says taxi representatives.

Steve McNamara, General Secretary of the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association (LTDA), highlighted the achievements of an industry which has invested over £300million in new electric black cabs since 2018.

In London there are currently 14,642 licensed taxis, of which 42% of the fleet are said to be Zero Emission Capable (ZEC) electric cabs.

McNamara said in TAXI Newspaper: “As of this month, more than 42% of the taxi fleet is now electric. That’s an amazing achievement. While everyone else talks about net zero and their big plans for the future, the cab trade is putting its money where its mouth is, and actually making things happen.

“I have been shouting this good news from the rooftops. It’s the perfect antidote to all the negativity and anti-car, 'war on motorists' news, that we seem to hear daily. Cabs are not cars. They are a green, clean, vital form of public transport and its high time the trade gets the credit it deserves.”

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