LONDON TRAFFIC: Insulate Britain brings Central London to a grinding halt with Westminster protest
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LONDON TRAFFIC: Insulate Britain brings Central London to a grinding halt with Westminster protest

Insulate Britain has brought the capital’s road network to a grinding halt after a morning of protests around Parliament Square.

Around 60 people from the controversial campaign group have blocked two roads around Parliament Square in Westminster. According to reports, two groups have blocked road access with banners on Parliament Square near the Peers’ entrance to the Houses of Parliament and on Bridge Street.

Traffic caused by today's protesters. who are campaigning for the Government to insulate all UK homes by 2030, has brought central London to a standstill.

The latest protest arrives despite a nationwide injunction being granted against the campaign group, which now covers the "entire strategic road network".

Insulate Britain released a long statement saying: “Insulate Britain has been one of the most successful campaigns in history: our name recognition went from zero to 77% of the public in three weeks, we have attracted enormous media interest and we have started thousands of conversations, in the press, on social media and in homes up and down the country.

“Importantly, we have exposed the government's refusal to act on home insulation as cowardly and vindictive and their refusal to protect our country and our children from the climate crisis as genocidal and treasonous.

"This happened not because we blocked motorways but because we blocked motorways to demand action on the crisis of humanity: climate breakdown. We presented the government with a dilemma because they cannot allow the disruption to continue but jailing people for demanding action on the climate ahead of a major UN Climate Conference is not a good look for the host country.”

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