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‘MARKED INCREASE’ in INACCURATE moving traffic offences aimed at London taxi drivers, says LTDA

Perry Richardson

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

The capital’s fleet of taxi drivers have seen a ‘marked increase’ in false and inaccurate accusations of moving traffic offences, according to driver representatives.

There is also a rise in allegations of cabbies failing to stop after accidents, which trade spokespeople put down to ‘sloppy work from CCTV operators'.

Steve McNamara, General Secretary of Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association (LTDA), said in TAXI Newspaper: “We have also noticed a marked increase in the number of members receiving inaccurate accusations of moving traffic offences or allegations of failing to stop after accidents.

“The primary reason for these errors is sloppy work from CCTV operators who enter the wrong registration number into a report – which then sets a process in motion which can be difficult to stop ahead of a court hearing.

“Any members caught up in this sort of nightmare should contact us the moment they receive any allegations or requests for driver details, before responding, so that our legal team can advise you.

“The same advice also applies to any requests for interviews from the police or TfL for ANY reason.”

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