Mayor of London dismisses concerns that high LEVC taxi costs create barrier for part-time drivers
Updated: Sep 4, 2023
The Mayor of London has dismissed concerns that high LEVC TX taxi costs are creating barriers for disabled and part-time cabbies to remain in the industry.
London Assembly Member (AM) Caroline Pidgeon brought attention to the implications of the Johnson v TfL case, shedding light on the significant financial burden that the only licensable taxi, the LEVC taxi, places on aspiring taxi drivers. Pidgeon emphasised that the Transport for London (TfL) approved LEVC taxi costs over £100,000, hindering disabled individuals from pursuing a career as taxi drivers and presenting a barrier for parents with childcare responsibilities seeking part-time work.
In a written question directed at the Mayor of London, Pidgeon expressed her concerns regarding TfL's vehicle conditions of fitness policy, implying that it fails to consider the 2010 Equality Act as it has not been updated since its implementation in 2007. Pidgeon further questioned whether the TfL policy could potentially be discriminatory due to this lack of adaptation.
Responding to the inquiry, Mayor Sadiq Khan clarified that the Employment Tribunal did not make any finding regarding discriminatory policies, including the Conditions of Fitness policy by TfL. Khan stated that it is not mandatory for taxi drivers to own a taxi, with approximately 50 percent of them choosing to rent or lease a vehicle instead.
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, responded to the written question: “The Employment Tribunal did not make any finding that Transport for London’s (TfL’s) policies (including the Conditions of Fitness policy) are discriminatory. “A taxi driver is not required to own a taxi and TfL believe around 50 percent of drivers rent or lease a vehicle. TfL has provided over £50m in financial support to taxi drivers to transition to ZEC vehicles, alongside the provision of taxi-dedicated rapid charge points.”