Merseyside private hire driver arrested for drug driving after traffic violation

A private hire vehicle driver in Merseyside was apprehended for drug driving following a dangerous traffic incident.
According to a spokesperson for the Merseyside Roads Police Unit, the silver minicab was caught after it dangerously ran a red light, nearly causing a collision with another vehicle. The swift action of the police averted what could have potentially been a severe accident.
Upon being stopped, the driver was subjected to a drugswipe test, which returned a positive result for cannabis.
Further investigation led to the discovery of cannabis in the driver's possession, compounding the severity of the offences. Consequently, the individual was arrested, and their private hire vehicle licence was immediately suspended.
A Merseyside Roads Police Unit spokesperson said: “This private hire vehicle jumped a red light, narrowly avoiding a collision with an oncoming vehicle. The driver was stopped and a drugswipe revealed he was positive for Cannabis.
“The driver was also in possession of Cannabis and he was arrested and his taxi licence suspended.”