NEW GREEN SCHEME: Southampton taxi drivers offered HALF-PRICE electric taxi rental up to May 2023
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NEW GREEN SCHEME: Southampton taxi drivers offered HALF-PRICE electric taxi rental up to May 2023

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

Image credit: LEVC

Southampton City Council (SCC) are offering Southampton City licensed taxi and private hire drivers and business van drivers the chance to trial an EV for up to end of May 2023, at 50% of the rental cost.

The programme is funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and is being run by the council in partnership with chargepoint operator EB Charging.

According to SCC, drivers (including operators and fleet managers) will be supported throughout the trial and offered advice and guidance to understand the feasibility of making a switch to a zero-emission vehicle.

Drivers undertaking the trial scheme will be eligible for the current incentives as offered by SCC and national government as listed below:

  • Access to two taxi and private hire only rapid charge points (for taxis)

  • 90% discount on any city centre season ticket for electric vehicle users

  • Owners of fully electric vehicles living in local council areas can currently cross the Itchen Bridge toll free with a SmartCities card

  • Further incentives listed on Switching to an electric vehicle.

Image credit: Southampton City Council

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