North Devon Council recommends face coverings for taxi drivers and passengers
Taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) drivers are being asked to put measures in place to protect themselves and their passengers from coronavirus.
North Devon Council is recommending that taxi and PHV drivers use a facial covering and also consider whether to install protective screens within their vehicles. The council supports the installation of such screens, provided they do not compromise public safety. Drivers wishing to install these should however first seek advice from the Licensing team.
Passengers are also recommended to use a facial covering, carry a hand sanitiser and wash their hands before and after they travel to help reduce the rate of infection.
This follows new guidance issued by the government to support local transport services and help residents who need to travel by public transport or taxis safely.
The latest government advice is that, although face coverings are unlikely to prevent you from getting the virus, they could help prevent you from giving it to others. Face coverings are particularly important where two metre social distancing is hard to maintain.
Leader of North Devon Council, Councillor David Worden, says: "Coronavirus has had a profound impact on public transport and will continue to do so long into the future. Everyone will have to continue playing a part in reducing demand on services by working from home if they possibly can. Please avoid public transport wherever possible and when this is not possible, consider wearing a non-medical covering over your nose and mouth and carry a hand sanitiser to prevent the spread of this disease.