NOT FIT AND PROPER: PHV applicant refused licence after serving five years for armed robbery
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NOT FIT AND PROPER: PHV applicant refused licence after serving five years for armed robbery

A private hire vehicle (PHV) driver applicant in Bolton was refused a licence after serving five years in prison for armed robbery.

Bolton Council’s Licensing and Environmental Regulation Committee came to the decision during a meeting on 11 October. Notes from the meeting have only just been released.

The PHV applicant was considered a ‘not fit and proper person’ to hold a licence after concerns surrounding a conviction for armed robbery and possessing an imitation firearm in 2004 arose. The applicant was jailed for five years in prison.

Bolton Council committee notes read: “Having considered the policy and minimum periods for each offence category, regardless of the period elapsed, the Committee are not satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold a licence. The overriding consideration is the safety of the public.

“The Committee’s primary duty is of concern for the safety and wellbeing of the public.

“There is therefore reasonable cause to refuse to grant the private hire driver's licence.”

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