ON THE MOVE: Central Cardiff Station taxi rank MUST STAY says drivers and public
Updated: Jul 31, 2022

Welsh taxi drivers are angry at new proposals to move a key taxi rank located outside Cardiff Central Station to a less accessible and visible spot further away.
The Cardiff Central Railway Station rank has provided an essential service to the public for over forty years. Transport for Wales Rail Ltd and Stakeholders have recently proposed a complete relocation of this rank with what Unite Union say is ‘inadequate consultation’ on the impact to transport users and drivers.
A Unite Wales spokesperson said: “There has been no impact assessment on how this will affect the public or the taxi trade itself. Our members have not been consulted and are not being included in plans going forward that directly impact the taxi trade and the way that we provide our service.
“The Cardiff Central Railway Station rank is a key rank for our members and the trade as a whole. This move makes the approach of TFW and Stakeholders even more alarming, due to the pace at which they are moving us to the back of the station. This is clearly without taking into account the impact on people with mobility issues, the disabled and visually impaired, or considering the risks to the public that use the taxi service from the night-time economy at the front of the Train Station. “The plans show a clear disregard to taxi drivers as part of an integrated transport system, as stated in Welsh Government Transport policy documents, and removes our rank from the convenience of easy public access, and public visibility at the front of the Cardiff Central Railway Station. This is clearly taking away public choice of transport if you require a taxi.”
The taxi representatives have released a short video where members of the public are shown giving their support for the taxi rank to remain in an easily accessible and visible position.
A Unite Wales spokesperson said: “The general public are fully supportive of our campaign against the relocation of the Cardiff Central Railway Station taxi rank.”