Petition on taxi and PHV CROSS-BORDER HIRING approaches halfway stage to prompt Government response
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Petition on taxi and PHV CROSS-BORDER HIRING approaches halfway stage to prompt Government response

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

A Government petition demanding an end to cross-border taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) licensing rules is closing in on the halfway stage to prompt a Government response on the matter.

The petition which has boomed in the past week calls on Government to set a new requirement that would push all taxi and PHV drivers to be licensed only in the areas they operate in.

So far nearly 5,000 people have signed the online petition which closes mid-October 2023.

The petition’s creator, Waleed Hussain, says the Deregulation Act 2015 has ‘created loopholes that allow big companies to monopolise this trade, which has affected rates’.

Hussain goes on to add: “Some councils are reducing the rates for taxi and private hire vehicle licences and making it easier to get a licence, eg. not needing to prove knowledge of local areas. This has resulted in a huge increase in licences being granted by some councils.”

If the petition reaches 10,000 signatures, the Government will respond to the petition.

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