Police search for man who attacked taxi driver and threatened to set his vehicle on fire
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Police search for man who attacked taxi driver and threatened to set his vehicle on fire

Updated: Oct 11, 2021

Image credit : West Midlands Police

Coventry Police have released an image of a man they would like to speak to after a taxi driver was attacked.

The attack took place just after midnight on 24 August in the Coventry area. The victim was punched multiple times and was also threatened with having his vehicle set on fire by the attacker.

A spokesperson for the force, said: “We are appealing to identify him [man in the picture], after he attacked a taxi driver on Linwood Drive, Coventry shortly after midnight on 24 August.

“We understand he became aggressive and punched the taxi driver multiple times before threatening to set the car on fire.

“Fortunately the driver was not injured in the assault, but undoubtedly this incident has left him shaken up.

“If you recognise him, please contact us via Live Chat on our website or by calling 101. Please quote crime reference number 20/1573600/21.”

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