POSTPONED: Arrival of mandatory taxi and PHV CCTV pushed back following Cambridge protest
Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Cambridge City Council have agreed to postpone the arrival of mandatory CCTV in taxi and minicab vehicles following a protest in the city on Wednesday.
Taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) drivers gathered at the South Cambridgeshire District Council headquarters to vent their concerns at the change in licensing policy.
Taxi drivers who financially survived the drop in revenue during the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, faced shelling out £500 on systems during a cost of living crisis.
The approved policy meant all new vehicle licences and existing licensed vehicles up for renewal from 1 April 2023 must be fitted with CCTV. This would have seen all licensed vehicles installed with CCTV by 31 March 2024.
In an announcement Cambridge City Council said taxi driver "concerns" have led them to consider pushing back the date that taxi drivers in Cambridge will have to install new CCTV devices in their vehicles, from April to September, 2023.
A spokesperson for Cambridge City Council said: “Installing CCTV in taxis and private hire vehicles licensed in Cambridge will be a boost to safety for both customers and drivers.
“As taxi licensing authority, the council has a number of objectives, including the safety and protection of the public, vehicle safety, prevention of crime and protection of drivers – all of which will help to be met by the installation of CCTV in the vehicles it licenses.
“Introducing CCTV for all licensed vehicles will also ensure there is supporting evidence for any criminal or enforcement investigations into customers’ or drivers’ actions or behaviour while the vehicles are operational.
“Under the specifications for use, all recorded images will be securely captured, stored and encrypted, and the CCTV system will not be accessible while the vehicle is in use commercially. Vehicle proprietors will be able to source and install their own systems as long as they meet or exceed the council’s requirements.
“Fortunately, incidents in Cambridge’s taxis and private hire vehicles are rare but installation of CCTV across the fleet will provide additional reassurance to customers and drivers alike, act as a deterrent, and will be able to provide clear evidence for any investigations that may have to take place.
“Following concerns from the taxi trade about the timescales for implementation, a decision will be made at Monday’s Licensing Committee on recommendations to postpone the need to install CCTV until September.”