Private hire driver who was in breach of his licence arrested for DRUG OFFENCES and MONEY LAUNDERING
Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Merseyside Police, Sefton Division, have arrested a private hire driver and his passenger after officers spotted a private hire vehicle acting suspiciously.
Operation Pelican Officers arrested a 38-year-old male from Netherton and a 26-year-old from BrightonLeSands for Drug Supply Offences and Money Laundering.
Officers saw a licensed private hire vehicle in suspicious circumstances in the Waterloo area, a short time later the vehicle was stopped and the occupants detained.
The private hire driver was found to be in breach of his licence and the passenger was found in possession of a large amount of Cannabis and suspected Cocaine. Both occupants were then arrested for Drug Supply Offences.

Officers have then carried out searches of linked addresses and have seized a large quantity of Cocaine, estimated to be approximately 1/4 kilo, and an estimated 3 kilos of Cannabis.
Also recovered was approximately £5,000 in cash believed to be from the proceeds of crime, due to this a number of luxury goods have been seized which are also believed to have been bought using the proceeds of criminality.

Both males remain in custody awaiting questioning.