Public police appeal helps reunite lost belongings left in taxi with ‘two happy wee girls’
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Public police appeal helps reunite lost belongings left in taxi with ‘two happy wee girls’

Image credit: Police Scotland Ayrshire

In a heart-warming tale of lost and found, Police Scotland Ayrshire successfully reunited a young girl with her belongings left in a taxi in the Saltcoats area during the festive season. It began with a simple yet impactful social media post by the police spokesperson, reaching out to the community for help.

The post detailed a holdall, forgotten in a taxi between Christmas and New Year, containing items belonging to a young girl named ‘Katie Campbell’. The police appealed to the public asking anyone with information to contact the Saltcoats Police Office.

The response to the appeal was positive. The mother of the child, relieved and grateful, reached out to the police to express her thanks. Her message: “Thank you Police Scotland Ayrshire - 2 happy wee girls they’ve got their belongings back.”

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