Routine police stop uncovers fishy theft in car boot
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Routine police stop uncovers fishy theft in car boot

Image credit: Kent Roads Police

During a routine stop, officers from the Kent Roads Police Unit 3 (RPU3) apprehended a driver under fishy suspicious circumstances.

The vehicle, lacking insurance and equipped with a bald tyre, raised immediate concerns for the police.

Upon further inspection, the driver, who was discovered to be disqualified, was also connected to the recent thefts of fish tanks.

Confirming the suspicions, one stolen fish tank was found in the back of the vehicle.

The driver is currently facing multiple charges.

A Kent Roads Police spokesperson said: “Officers from Roads Police Unit 3 (RPU3) spotted something fishy about this car, which was found to have no insurance and a bald tyre.

“The driver was found to be disqualified and linked to theft of fish tanks, one of which was found in the back of the car.”

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