Shropshire Council to consider Union Flag display on taxis in upcoming policy review
Shropshire Council's Strategic Licensing Committee is set to hold a debate on the potential amendment to the council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy for 2023-2027.
At the core of the debate is the proposal to allow the display of the Union Flag on both hackney carriages and private hire vehicles. This consideration extends to the use of the flag for promoting private hire operator businesses or any enterprise offering taxi or private hire vehicle services.
The committee meeting, scheduled for 10am 11 January 2024, will be held at Shirehall in Shrewsbury and offers an open invitation to anyone interested in attending in person. For those unable to be present physically, there will also be an opportunity to engage with the proceedings online, as the council will provide a livestream of the meeting.
Councillor Roy Aldcroft, Chair of the Strategic Licensing Committee, said: “We want to ensure that the public and the trade are aware that the Strategic Licensing Committee is due to consider the conditions under which it may be acceptable to display and use the Union Flag. If approved, a change will be made to the council’s current position, as was previously agreed by Cabinet in November 2022, and set out in the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2023 – 2027.
“The over-riding priority for the committee is that we ensure the safety and welfare of the public. However, we understand that there are some concerns about the council’s current position and for that reason we will be debating the issue at our meeting on 11 January.”