Taxi driver assaulted and cab damaged after telling man he was already prebooked
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Taxi driver assaulted and cab damaged after telling man he was already prebooked

Image credit: British Transport Police

British Transport Police have issued an image following an assault on a taxi driver at Lancaster Railway Station.


Just before midnight on Friday 5 January a man assaulted a taxi driver after being told the vehicle was prebooked. 

He then verbally threatened the driver before gaining access to the taxi and damaging the vehicle interior by kicking and punching it.

Police arrived and the man fled the location, a thorough search of the area was conducted however he was not found.

Officers would like to speak to the man in the image as they believe he may have information that could help their investigation.


Anyone with information is asked to contact BTP by texting 61016, or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference number 760 of 5 January.

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