Taxi driver bitten and sliced on hand with knife by passenger during terrifying robbery in Redditch
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Taxi driver bitten and sliced on hand with knife by passenger during terrifying robbery in Redditch

Image credit : West Mercia Police

West Mercia Police are appealing for witnesses and any information following a robbery in Redditch.

A man was collected by a taxi driver in Bates Hill, Redditch, at around 6am on Saturday 6 November and was driven to Boot Piece Lane.

It is reported that the man then threatened the taxi driver with a knife and demanded all of his money.

The victim suffered a knife cut to his hand and was bitten on the hand by the suspect.

The suspect stole all the victim’s takings in cash before running away on foot.

Detective Sergeant Iain Standing said: “We would like to speak to the man in the CCTV image as we believe he may be able to help with our ongoing investigation. We would also ask that anyone who may have been in the area at the time and has dash-cam footage to please get in touch with us.

“The attack was completely unprovoked and the victim had to receive treatment in hospital for his injuries.

“West Mercia police take any knife related crime very seriously and we are pursuing several forensic and CCTV opportunities from the scene to identify the suspect.

“We are appealing for any information from the public that may help to identify the perpetrator and bring them to justice.”

If anyone has any information regarding this incident please contact the police on 101 and select extension number 773 2016 quoting incident number 105i of 6 November or contact them via their ‘Tell us about’ section on their website.

Alternatively, if you have information but don’t feel comfortable speaking to police, you can speak to the independent charity Crimestoppers.

It is 100% anonymous, they never ask your name and they cannot trace your call or I.P address. You can contact them online or by calling 0800 555 111.

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