Taxi driver who rushed to save the life of heart attack victim honoured by Mayor
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Taxi driver who rushed to save the life of heart attack victim honoured by Mayor

Updated: Oct 30, 2021

Image credit : Lancaster City Council

The Mayor of Lancaster and the city council's chair of licensing have passed on their thanks to a local taxi driver who saved the life of a Lancaster granddad who had suffered a heart attack.

Councillors Mike Greenall and Colin Hartley met Peter Hirst, a long-standing taxi driver.

Last month Peter was driving towards Lancaster railway station when he spotted 68-year-old Colin Walker fall to the ground.

Peter stopped his taxi to help, performing life-saving CPR while another passer-by called 999.

Thanks to Peter's actions, Colin was revived until paramedics arrived to take him to hospital.

Councillor Mike Greenall said: "Peter is a true hero and words alone cannot praise him enough.

"He should be extremely proud of the way he dealt with an extremely difficult and challenging situation. By taking quick and decisive action he undoubtedly saved Colin’s life and I’d like to add my thanks to the other plaudits he has received.”

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