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TAXI TRADE QUESTION: What was the first taxi you ever drove?

Updated: May 8, 2023

Taxi drivers have shared memories and insight into their first taxis, which took hundreds of drivers down memory stretching back decades.

TaxiPoint, the UK’s taxi industry news source, asked readers what their first cab was when they first started in the trade.

Over 400 cabbies responded. A wide range of traditional black cabs used in London and other major urban cities were cited, along with a nostalgic look at car models used in the industry in more rural districts.

Leonard Jacobs said: “When I finished doing wangles and passed my PCO test I was sent down to Stewarts Taxis in Farm Lane, Fulham, where they gave me a E registration pigs ear cab beautiful red lino paint on the floor, blacked out rear window and brown leather interior.

“The only problem was the engine was gutless. If you got an airport the maximum speed you could get out of the cab was 45mph if you were lucky it really was hard work.”

In the capital, taxi drivers listed a TX2 Gold with full leather trims and sunroof as their first cab, while older cabs mentioned included the FX3 and FX4.

Andy Wight listed his ‘1979 FX4 with Perkins Diesel engine’ and Andrea Gan said her 1976 FX4 was ‘was hard to drive’.

Outside of London, Steve Newell fondly remembered his Ford Sierra Sapphire 1.8lt cab first bought in 1993. Steve said: “Great taxi, I was only 19 and the insurance was ridiculous but got me started. 275,000 miles I traded in for £500 for 1996 Mondeo.”

Elaine Sheppard said: "Vauxhall Cavalier 1985 plate was my first taxi and then I went on to buy Japanese cars… much better.”

You can read more of the responses and even include your own first cab via TaxiPoint’s Facebook Page.


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