THAT’S RUBBISH! Taxi drivers told to pay for commercial permits now have access to local waste site
Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Taxi drivers wishing to use council-owned waste sites where they live in Caerphilly have been granted access after originally being denied access.
A complaint was made by the Caerphilly County Borough Taxi Drivers’ Association (CCBTDA) after taxi drivers using their cabs to transport waste in the Borough they resided in were turned away.
Caerphilly County Borough Council updated rules on waste site usage which includes the requirement for permits for vans, trailers and other commercial vehicles which originally included taxis. The cost of permit for a small van is £35.70.
However, that stance has now changed. There is now NO restriction on cars that are used as taxis providing they are disposing their own household waste.
Taxi vehicles with 8 seats will require a permit for the disposal of their household waste. These permits are free of charge with an entitlement of six per year.
According to the Caerphilly Observer, George Edwards the chair of the CCBTDA, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the council for their continued efforts to work with the taxi association to clear up the misunderstanding over wording on the website that led to much confusion.
“After a constructive meeting between myself and waste management officers at CCBC, I wish to pay tribute to their sensible approach in working together for the residents of the Borough, this goes to show that we are all Team Caerphilly.”