THIS IS SNOW WAY TO DRIVE: Motorist issued ticket for driving with a snow-covered windscreen
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THIS IS SNOW WAY TO DRIVE: Motorist issued ticket for driving with a snow-covered windscreen

Image credit : Twitter @tvprp

A motorist has been issued a ticket for driving a vehicle with a windscreen covered in snow and ice.

Thames Valley Police Roads Team stopped the vehicle after noticing the driver had only attempted to clear a small section of snow from the windscreen.

A spokesperson for the force said via Twitter @tvprp: "Driving becomes more challenging in the snow.

"It is made worse when you can't see where you are going. Please don't make the same mistake as this driver who has just been issued a ticket for driving a vehicle in this condition."

Twitter users were not impressed with the driver's decision to take to the icy roads with their visibility obscured so badly.

One wrote: "See it in the mornings when frosty. People will not get up a bit earlier to go outside and defrost the car before travel."

Another simply said: "Ye gods, there are some morons out there!"

With the winter weather closing in, drivers are expected to take extra care in preparing for travel and adverse weather conditions.

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