Tom the Taxi Driver: Are you taking me the longer route?
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Tom the Taxi Driver: Are you taking me the longer route?

London taxi drivers are highly trained drivers who have studied the road network for years, but that doesn’t stop the age old question from some passengers… are you taking the longer route?

Tom Hutley, a London taxi driver and successful YouTuber, posted the video to thousands of subscribers sharing the reasons why some passengers might think a fully trained cabbie is taking the long way round.

The video which went live on 9 July has already attracted 45,000 views and highlights the people’s concept of the River Thames and also their mental state after a long night drinking.

The cabbie also provides insight into how he tries to ease passenger minds who might be feeling uneasy about a particular route.

The cabbie’s YouTube channel has been a massive hit with viewers ever since it first launched in March 2020. The London black cab driver and qualified taxi guide completed the ‘Knowledge of London’ in 2017 after 3 years of studying. Four years in to the job he now also has a fast growing channel with over 35,000 subscribers tuning in.

Tom has also published a book about his time on the Knowledge, and recently progressed to Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers.

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