Transport for London estimates current taxi fleet number will RISE by end of 2024
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Transport for London estimates current taxi fleet number will RISE by end of 2024

Updated: Feb 4

Image credit: DALL.E (AI generated)

Transport for London (TfL) estimates that the current taxi fleet of 14,661 will increase slightly by the end of 2024, reveals Mayor of London.

In a recent statement, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, highlighted TfL’s ongoing efforts to support the city's taxi trade. Amid these initiatives, TfL projects a modest increase in the number of taxis operating within the city by the end of 2024 from the current fleet of 14,661.

Khan touched on the challenges and dynamics affecting the size of London's taxi fleet, including market forces and vehicle availability. Despite these factors, Khan highlighted an uptick in individuals applying to undertake the Knowledge of London—the rigorous training required for taxi drivers—suggesting a positive trend towards growth in the fleet numbers this year.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, said: “I continue to work closely with Transport for London (TfL) and the taxi trade to ensure the trade has a bright future and continues to fit into the overall transport strategy for London. This is particularly important given the accessible service taxis provide.

“TfL continue to consider how taxis fit in the overall transport strategy and I’ve sought, with TfL, to support taxi drivers and vehicle owners to encourage them to transition across to zero emission capable (ZEC) vehicles. TfL has provided more than £50m worth of support to taxi vehicle owners, including a delicensing fund with payments of up to £10,000 to retire older, more polluting vehicles and a continued contribution to the Government’s Plug-In Taxi Grant (PiTG) that provides £7,500 towards the cost of a new ZEC taxi. TfL has recently written to the Treasury seeking further support for the taxi trade and has asked, amongst other things, for a continuation of the PiTG beyond March 2024. 


“TfL has also installed more than 300 rapid charge points, with a significant proportion of them dedicated to taxi use. TfL has recently signed contracts with operator Zest for an additional 100 rapid and ultra rapid charging bays on the TfL road network, and Places for London - Transport for London’s (TfL) property company – has recently begun searching for a single joint venture partner to help it bring forward a number of new electric vehicle ultra-rapid charging hubs across London.


“With regard to the size of London’s taxi fleet, although there are a number of factors that are not within TfL’s control, such as market forces and the availability of vehicles, TfL has seen an increase in the number of applicants seeking to undertake the Knowledge of London and estimates that the current taxi fleet of 14,661 will increase slightly by the end of 2024.”

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