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Two private hire vehicles caught in Liverpool suspended for defective tyres

Perry Richardson

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Two private hire vehicles were suspended in Liverpool due to defective tyres.

Liverpool City Council Licensing team posted up details of the findings after checks made in the early hours of today.

One of the vehicles suspended was licensed outside of Liverpool in the West Lancashire authority. The photo of the defective tyre showed the tyre tread wear indicators bars flush to the surface level of the tyre across three of the four indicators.

Tread wear indicator bars are moulded into the tread of the tyres. The depth of the bar indicates when the tread is approaching its minimum legal depth of 1.5mm across the width of the tread.

A second private hire vehicle was suspended for a similar ‘slick’ defective tyre. The photo taken by enforcement officers at 2.24am on Liverpool’s Slater Street showed the tyres outer grooves to have been completely worn away in places. Three of the four tread wear indicators were level with the tyres surface level.

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