Uber driver suspended by GMP Traffic after two illegal tyres with cords showing are found
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Uber driver suspended by GMP Traffic after two illegal tyres with cords showing are found

Updated: Jan 3

An Uber driver’s vehicle was suspended from working after police officers found two heavily worn tyres on his licensed vehicle.

The operation, conducted by the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) Traffic unit in collaboration with the City of Wolverhampton Council Licensing, aimed at ensuring compliance among private hire vehicle (PHV) services throughout Manchester.

A spokesperson from GMP Traffic commented on the operation, noting that while the majority of licensed vehicles checked were compliant with regulations, there were some exceptions. The most notable case was that of an Uber driver who was found to be operating a vehicle with two dangerously worn tyres, showing visible cords through the tyres' rubber grip.

As a result, the driver has been prohibited from operating until the tyres are replaced and faces prosecution for this violation.

The Uber driver in question will not be able to take any more fares until at least Tuesday, pending the replacement of the worn tyres and subsequent re-inspection.

A Greater Manchester Police Traffic spokesperson said: “CVU out tonight conducting compliance checks on taxis all over Manchester, in partnership with City of Wolverhampton Council Licensing.

“In the main all good. Although one Uber driver prohibited until 2 worn tyres / showing cord replaced, driver prosecuted. No more fares until at least Tuesday for him.”

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